Archive for the 'Yemen' Category


Yemen Impressions: Shop ’til you drop… in an understated way

Yemeni are shopping… Oh you mean there are two upheavals going on!? Yemeni are also getting married, having babies, driving newer cars (bought in “dibei”), and if they have the mula attached to their household name then they are decorating…but in an understated way… Tariq Ali said there was wealth in Yemen but subtle in its use and careful in its presentation…

Says who!? Well the amount of department stores being built and used daily until the wee hours of the night, for one. Or better yet, the quality of the products being bought- take a stroll around “Turkish City” the Better Homes & Gardens Yemeni equivalent to Crate & Barrel, Bed-Bath-& Beyond, Macy’s, and Ikea rolled into one with a touch of Linens & Things, Sears, Spiegel and Home Depot/Loews… This store says “I know what I want and where it goes”…did I tell you that the female shoppers outweigh the male ones? In Yemen?! No!!! Yep…

So something is changing… I see it in the homes I visited in Sana’a – there is a distinction rising and its pretty interesting…

Guess its not all bazooka toting Houtis- by the way didn’t see one- the Houti nor the bazooka!

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Yemen Impressions: satellite dishes and hindi soaps

I got a chance to catch up on all my Hindi soaps- and as usual got the whole womenfolk of the household hooked! Never mind they couldn’t understand a word- the facial expressions and background music spoke volumes in any language. Those cliff hangers and “twists” are uniquely Indian! In addition, I was able to literally roll in unmitigated laughter, watching my mother-in-law duke it out with the villains of the movie Akkbar or screech with the unknown Bhool!

We drooled over the saris and the jewelry- always a favorite pastime of Arab women- gold!!!

And best of all we tried out some of the recipes from the cooking masters- I believe they have programmed in the up-coming Indian Master Chef challenge- no translation necessary…my brother-in-laws are more than happy with that last bit… Food is a good paver…

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Yemen Impressions: Saudi Airlines- a fiasco if Yemen is your destination

The odyssey of travel via Saudi Arabian airlines has certain demands

Pack light,
Be ready to change flights like you change your underwear,
Fight for your flights- [rights];
Take a whoppie cushion- your butt cheeks will thank you;
Be aware that its pilots can’t always land in Yemen- rain or shine;
Don’t travel with them during Ramadhan- you’ll think strategic planning wasn’t part of universal business lore;
Give your office, patients, clients a two week window for your return- when I wrote this note (it was Friday the 13th- they’re not superstitious right?) our flight had been cancelled twice in four days; eating up our one-week window down to nothing- a formal letter of apology from them was requested since we wouldn’t get home in time.

For an airline that had been known for its shining stars, even Yemania Airlines could teach them a thing or two- because them stars are a tad beyond tarnished.

Its back to flying via Emirates or its sister company- or anything -but not Saudi.

Oh and if you happen to be flying INTO Yemen via Saudi Airlines- cover your eye, nose, and mouth- they fumigate you like a pack of roaches… Darndest thing ever!

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.


Yemen Impressions: a man’s world and lopsided outcomes…

It’s a Man’s World… The song doesn’t do justice to what you see in some countries in the Middle East… Yemen where I spent all summer is by no means an exception- but it is an interesting location to see men interacting when and where they (sometimes) honestly believe women don’t exist, shouldn’t exist, do but should be ignored… And the interesting outcomes when they believe themselves the only gender:
Clothes from the rolled up pile
Dirty clothes unaccustomed to laundry detergent…what language is that!
Shoes unfit for the garbage (using Bostonian here- “gabage”)
Hair in need of a closer relationship with a pair of scissors
Skinny, not on a poor diet just eating poorly
Unfinished, uncoordinated everything, whatever for?!- finish, that is…

It’s a Man’s World… you can bleat that one to death- but only men who recognize their women look good when they step out into the street!

I am woman! Hear me roar!

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.


going home

So everything set. The tickets bought. The bags packed. All the conditions set by my healthcare providers, met.

We are going home for an extended stay during the summer months. We will celebrate our anniversary where we first met and married.

We have tickets for the shortest route possible with as many accommodations as our wallets will allow.

My daughters will stay in NY because both have classes and summer jobs to maintain. Each has a few heavy duty state-board exams that must be completed by August 1st. So vacation for them will be, well, limited to say the least. My son has been stationed on the Pacific side so he will not be here to keep an eye on things. The girls are a solid pair- they’ll do what needs to get done with flying colors, as usual.

Since I may not be in ‘internet’ range (my blackberry has its moments when taken overseas), I may not be able to answer your comments if you have never posted before. All other friends will find they will not be under ‘moderation’ mode. The first chance I get, or firm signal to hit the peaks of Yemen, I will post some updates. Maybe even some pictures.

I thank a very special people who, a few months ago, eased my anxieties about this voyage for two very different reasons. You know who you are- I send you tons of warm hugs and kisses. Thank you again for everything. You are the best!

So my friends, without further ado, we head for the airport in the early morning, and venture into a land I love and by turns want to pummel its oddities. Wish me luck, I’m going to need it. Pray and make Dua, for those are of utmost importance to my continued well being- Allah will reward you. Insha’Allah.

Ma’salaama -Have a great summer!


taxes, child marriages, and other stuff…

So Tax Season is basically over. We spent a few days gathering “amunition” that as every year gets misplaced or what not. We owe… Not a lot. Would have preferred breaking even!

On the various blogs I read and participate in, a few discussions (heated at times) have revolved around child marriages, women driving in KSA, guardianship, and rearing children.

When it comes to child marriages I oppose it vehemently! People should marry when they are intellectually, morally, physically, and emotionally ready. Also I believe that financially at the very least the couple should have some basics down- while knowing that not everyone can marry with all the trimmings in the bag. It boils down to marriage by two consenting adults! Children are children, not miniature grown ups!

With regards to guardianship- I honestly believe a grown adult, unless mentally and emotionally impaired, does not need guardians. Obviously, as a Muslim, many would object and say that women should always be under someone else’s guardianship- I beg to differ- but then, I’m just a drop of ‘negate-able’ water; because the minute I’m in the Middle East especially in my case Yemen I become my husband’s total responsibility… Sigh

Rearing children world-wide is an interesting endeavor. Especially during the years between Tween and Teen. Each child comes with its own personality and emotional health. They don’t come with instructions! But we do have tendencies to treat each of our children with certain broad strokes, amending where ever we encounter a raw surface. Muslims no less than most. Well.. No.. There are a bunch that give their offspring too much rope; enough to hang a whole tribe! Some because they have not gotten savvy or have solid help with their concerns. Others because they were reared the same way all of which can be good or really bad.

I’ve learned to go with each of my children’s personalities. One or two of them sometimes having multiple personalities when they have reached puberty, at least from where I’m sitting!

The last of the topics is about women driving- and because KSA is the only one (to my knowledge) that stops a woman from driving within its borders, I’m a little perturbed by this ban. Some say the ban is on its way out. Others don’t give much hope in the foreseeable future. I guess this last because of KSA societal structure- giving women autonomy would have to be primordial. She would have to be excluded from Islamic guardianship laws, she would have to become a consenting, sentient being. She would need to be safe, by enforceable law, against child marriages. She would need property laws protecting her, and giving her the right to own and distribute her money as she saw fit. She would also have to be given the right to an education- at the very least to the end of her highschool years regardless if she finishes or not. And she would need to be protected against abuse and neglect based on her gender.

That’s a lot of ‘would need to’. Is KSA prepared to give women all this in order for them to drive?

That remains to be seen.


Rainy Days and Sundays…

Like the Song – “rainy Days and Mondays” today has been a cold and dreary day in NYC. Even our dog Caesar was not up for a long run; probably still tired from yesterday. We’ve spent it in pyjamas watching movies and eating just about everything. That waistline isn’t going to go down at this rate. We have also basically congregated around the television our laptops, magazines , and newspapers as complementary fare. Reading blogs and answering in them during commercials, or parts of the movie we have already seen and want to skip over. Interrupting each other as we come across something of note. 

I have been worried about Susie back in Saudi Arabia, because her husband has undergone by-pass surgery. A frightening episode to go through by all means. Please send some good vibes and prayers her way. Her blog has always been of interest to me. She is not at the moment a high-powered multi-tasking woman, but stay at home like many of her counterparts in KSA – Arab or otherwise, after living most of her life in the States. And I can see the things that can delight or irk you when living in places like KSA. Her latest ‘moment’ with an interaction between her husband and his physician an example of when profession, culture and gender meet at the boxing ring. My husband certainly didn’t approve of the physician’s behavior, regardless of long-standing friendship. The ‘joke’ was in bad form. I agree and am truly sorry Susie had to face an issue that was unnecessary considering the outcome resulting in her husband’s subsequent surgery. 

At times I wonder if our world is less tactful because we see and know too much and can voice it; or because we have weathered down our parameters of what is prudent to say. Thought is free, but spoken words pay and demand a price. 


Earth Hour has come and gone. We didn’t even get ‘a blink-out moment’. But we did decide to have a late ‘candle lit’ dinner for the family, once our guest had left. We peppered our conversations with the day’s moments, basking in some quiet time. Candles can make that happen, guess the glow is mesmerizing enough to put you in another mood, time, and place. 

Bottom Fish


Western view of the valley below us


Since we like to watch those eco-documentaries, ‘Life’ the Discovery Channel’s latest mini-series has been scheduled for tonight. We’ve been talking more about the environment, especially thinking of the diminishing water tables in Yemen. All of which is in direct proportion to the increase in Qat planting and population growth. More of the first than the latter. We have seen how the eco-system in Yemen has been depleted and scared not only by increased Qat production, but by garbage that can’t be contained properly – cascading down once beautiful mountains. Or by the inability of Yemeni to come up with recycling companies to keep the plastic bags from choking the few trees that are left! My husband and I agree that when a population ‘forgets’ how to deal with waste, subsequent health issues, and uncontrolled or regulated farming practices – all goes to pot real fast. 

The Manhattan of the Desert


But the literacy level in Yemen has not reached a ‘tipping point’ where old reliable and traditional methods can be recovered and used, nor where newer ecologically friendly ones can be used to their advantage. Wind mills is one I would like to see some entrepreneurial person take on. There is enough wind blowing at good speed to keep them going to power up the country. But the society has been high-jacked by commodities and Qat their population sorely spends on. Not to mention its political atmosphere, too complicated chameleon – like to make sense of at times. Though Tariq Ali tries to make some sense of it in his article this weekend in the London Review of Books review called “Unhappy Yemen”. Please read it and let me know what you think. 

Rainy days and Sundays. How was your day like?


girls, girls, girls

Yesterday while the sun was shining brightly in NY; we stayed in like cloistered nuns. It was a hair and nail day. So I’m sporting a shining head of two-inch shorter hair, buffed fingernails enough to make you put sunglasses on, and deep red toe nails to complement the henna the girls put on. No the picture posted is not my foot, but the design they replicated. Its a treat for my husband, like all Yemeni men, who loves to see his wife with lots of henna. I don’t do my hands and arms unless I am going to a wedding, its too distracting for people when I’m working. But the feet are another story.

We downloaded music to our iPods and iTouch, cooked some good old fashion ‘Con-Gri’ – Cuban styled white rice mixed with black bean with juicy T-bone steaks, tons of salad, and the ever present fried yellow plantains of the Caribbean. Yummy! We laughed, joking about things best not repeated in the general population, some serious ‘Dear Abby’ moments, and pampered ourselves as only women can. The day’s intention- a girls day in.

Caesar and hubby were banished from the house. Caesar actually got treated to a day out in the woods along with a few other dogs, whose male owners had also been banished, or temporarily abandoned for the charms and skills of hair stylists and nail gurus. All the guys congregated at the home of one colleague, no longer doctors of the day- but solo males in need of some validation bonding.

My boss would also find himself at his son’s mercy as his wife headed for her quarterly ritual; hair cut at the home of her only stylist for the past 20 years. Her stylist has worked from home for years, preferring to spend extra time doing a fabulous job while talking to the men and women sitting around the living/work area. The gathering is a lot like the ‘salon’ parties of the 19th century, where discussion went from a to z encyclopedic in volume. I have participated a few times, always arriving with Diana early to get my hair done first before the other male clients arrive. Then I can sit and enjoy the conversation over tea or coffee.

Our conversations back home were no less interesting. Its our bonding moment as women, friends, and caretakers. We’ll talk of the latest fashions, of the latest school or work politics, of the latest films and documentary, or of things that happened long ago. Oral tradition is important, yet we take so much of it for granted with our electronic devices. Days like these give us the opportunity. When friends come over for the day there are more funny, goofy moments where laughter out does serious talk. Today, the addition of my eldest daughter’s friend Nadia brought more melody. Together they treated me to both English and Arabic songs. Nadia, born and raised until she was ten in Saudi Arabia while her Filipino mom and Kenyan dad worked as nurses, has kept her Arabic in part to her life-long friendship with my daughter. My husband always chuckles when he hears Nadia and his daughter sing, saying ‘they were first on line when the voices were handed out’. He’s a pretty talented singer, not far behind on the line. My son on the other hand never got directions to the line, he’s so tone deaf even the shower can’t help…

Our world for the moment was within those walls of our apartment, feeling better every time we get a chance to do this. I guess I like those isolated moments because I can step outside any time I please. I know of many women who can’t – here and abroad. Back home in Yemen, we had many of these days, especially when the men would leave for the diwan in the afternoon. But its not quite the same even when our home affords us space and freedom of movement others below our property don’t have. The men leave but they are calling to find out what’s happening at home. I have one brother-in-law who is notorious for constantly calling – more to hear his wife’s lovely voice. Another one because he likes things so mapped out he can’t stand anything off schedule, hence the calling! My father-in-law who never goes, says that’s why he would rather stay even when he’s the one relegated to the far corners of the compound during the girlie moments. He doesn’t have to call . He knows what we are up to. My husband, when he goes to the diwans, never calls. Why should he, he once answered to the question. The women of his house have lives of their own, he doesn’t have to micro-manage.

Indeed, we “girlies” can take care of ourselves, thank you very much!


the family that eats together…

One of the things I’ve always liked about my father and mother in law was their ‘no exceptions’ on eating together. Just past Dhurh for the noon day meal, any of their children and their spouses that were home at that time sat together to eat as a family. There never was this ‘women in one room after the men ate’. They all ate at the same time, or nobody ate.

I thought, mistakenly, that was the norm in Yemen. I would find out soon enough, that if anything, my in-laws were not the norm by any stretch. Not even within their tribe, nor among the extended family of their own in-laws. My mother in law would repeatedly state, ‘they’re too Saudi for my taste’. Sorry, she blames the Saudis for everything.

The realization dawned on the day after my 30th day of marriage – the official ‘honeymoon over’ time. As is custom for their tribe, we could go ‘visiting’. Bang! I got hit with a feather. Every where we went the women ate either in the kitchen, or the inner family room if they had the means to afford it. We would understand when there was no blood relation to the women, but even when all were first cousins it would still be separate. So much so that ‘they might as well be strangers’, as my father in law would lament.

Both my husband and I were not happy at being separated, and I certainly missed the fun, relaxed meals we had at home. All the joking around, usually at my father in law’s expense. He is still a major prankster! It was the time we discussed everything under the sun. Making our meals particularly long affairs we were all loath to leave. Leave for those diwans and the Qat chew.

You see my father in law never goes to the diwans to chew Qat. The few decades old social custom of the Yemeni. In reality the use of it is more recent than what most are led to believe. Qat has been around for a long time, but only until recently when it spurred on particular industries did its popularity skyrocket, much to the demise of the Yemeni water table. In my in-laws mountain-peak home, that privilege is reserved for the wife’s company. My father and mother in law are always together. To separate them is to cause one of them to get sick, my father in law can’t stand the idea! They brought their children up to be like them. The only one, ‘son of a Saudi’ as both father and mother would gravely announce, was the eldest son. Now there’s a man the Muttawa would be proud of. Some apples do fall far afield…

When he married, the eldest didn’t allow his wife to sit next to or in the same room as his brothers, father, or any woman for that matter. He kept her locked up in her room from the first day she arrived. Not allowed even to cook, wash or anything in the company of anyone. She was not allowed to bond with anyone. The situation got so bad that one day, my father in law hit the roof when his son asked for the hundredth time, in as many days, to have his wife’s food served on a platter that he would take to her when he finished eating.

What would rile my father in law was the amount his son stated had to be on the plate. ‘Since when do we price the rice by grain, or the meat by sinew?! Everyone here eats until the food is finished and had their fill. What you have in that plate won’t feed one of our chickens!’ He shouted at his son while grabbing plate and throwing it outside into the yard everything scattering, scaring even the dogs. ‘You think she’s an animal? Then she would have to eat off the floor! But before you even do that, leave this place where I can’t see or hear you, because you will surely hear the words not the meaning!’ Yemeni can be very ‘poetic’, especially when angry!

A few days later his eldest moved out with his wife. My mother in law stated as they left, ‘well at least the poor woman will have a house for a prison instead of a room’.

I married into the tribe a few months after, and this scene was recounted in all its disturbing details when we returned from the first visit outside the compound. ‘Their ways are not ours.’

In fact, because of my eldest brother-in-law the next two sons in line, right after their brother married and started this inhumane treatment of his wife, took jobs away from their mountain so they could not in any way see something they had no power to stop. For my father it signaled a horrible death for his family, it was disintegrating in front of him. Only when we were married, my husband and I (he’s the fourth son), did things return to normal and the air was again relaxed and joyous. The other two sons returned grateful they could enjoy their home. What had happened for a few months was an anomaly. When these two sons  married two years later, they kept to ‘Al-Bayt traditions’, to everyone’s relief.

The eldest, sadly, is banned from living on the compound, because he has not mellowed one bit- on the contrary ‘he seems more foreign everyday!’

Once or twice they have tried to reconcile their differences, but my brother-in-law remains a stubborn mule. To the point that his children prefer to spend most of their lives at their grandparents, than at home. When my in-laws see on TV or are read to from newspapers and magazines (neither read nor write) they cry at the injustices of people neither allowed nor allowing each other the true comforts of family living. Which is one reason my mother in law blames the Saudis: ‘Ever since our men went there to work, they have come back with the worst manners and thoughts. How can your mother, sister or wife be treated as if she were haraam?!’

Life for them was never easy, true – but they tried their hardest to at least have peace and joy in their home to be shared by all. It has not always worked in their favor; ostracized by their own brothers. But for them, it is what Allah will ask of them with regards to their own children that matters. ‘Allah knows I had no hand in making my son so foreign!’

My father in law believes and lives the motto of the ‘family that eats (and pray) together, stays together.’

Indeed we do!


the negotiations…

One of our contract furniture suppliers is Yemeni Hasidic. Over the years we’ve established an interesting working relationship. When he comes to my office we both get an opportunity to talk about common, shared experiences.

This man with 10 children, so far his youngest is about a year old, looks and is most definitely a grandfather. His long beard is almost white and he has a big warm smile. His face lights up when he talks of his children, and their spouses and their children.

Our conversations started with his remark on the ‘Shalom’ I always give him and my hijab. He said, after the fourth or fifth meeting, he could sense my mood depending on colors and design, much like his wife’s head covers. I also warmed up to him because I had grown up around the Yeshiva in upper Manhattan and many of my childhood friends were Jews. We both had a thing about Yemen. He because of birth and me because of marriage.

He would get red-eyed when I’d share photos from home. He had not been there for even a visit since before 2001, and it was painful to know it was so far off his reach, probably forever . The closest he would ever get would be those digital pictures I would later email him to collect.

In the last few months our conversations have centered around his 19 year old son who is making preparations to be wed. We dubbed it ‘the negotiations’. His son has matured during all this, his father’s comments attest to it. Even though he’s now going to college- his ways were more of the teen than the college-bound young man when all this started- the tide had turned.

His father commented the other day that while he also married as young as his son- the dynamics of his family were harsher. There was little room or time for the ‘slow’ rate this negotiation was progressing. Too much is spent on conversation. ‘But’, he said, ‘my wife says its like calling with the dream of honey- better that way. He and his future bride would not want to marry if all they are assured were lemons’. She has a valid point.

Marriage negotiations on the muslim Yemeni side are not so sweet. More commonly than not the argumentative side rears its head and few have both bride and groom going into the union with bright smiles. Don’t understand what it is with this need to make everything taste a bit sour. Stuff will happen no matter what, why start off with the bag more than half full?

Our supplier said that was how his family did things as well when he was young. But after being in America so long they’d mellowed more because the life was less harsher than in Yemen and it ‘allowed’ for more dreaming. The customs are still there: The inquiries, the rules and rituals, and the parental discussions remain pivotal. Nowadays the added pieces are the schooling, jobs, or professions of the couple. The girls I’m told may or not have a variety of prospective grooms presented to them- that really depends on the family and the match-maker.

I shared with him the story of one of my younger brother in laws and his journey to the marriage sphere. On the Muslim Yemeni side it seems men do the talking as if only the groom counts- then all hell breaks loose when the bride is not a good match-well what’d you expect!? When one of my younger brother-in-laws suggested he wanted to get married, we had not known if he’d gotten all worked up about getting married because his friends were egging him on, the reasons being used were sounding more like ‘I’ll marry your sister so we can hang out more’.

My husband was dead set against him marrying at that time. His brother still had a low rank in the army, he had little money, he hadn’t built the suite of rooms on the family compound that were necessary for him and his bride if they were to live there, and honestly ‘you don’t even know why you want to marry nor WHO you want to marry!’

The eldest brother, all mouth no brains, kept insisting that they would borrow the money for the dowry, they could take OUR rooms, and what was the big deal?! My husband was, ‘what, you’ve forgotten so quickly why you don’t live on the family compound? You expect everyone to do whatever comes into that thick head, sitting like a pasha not caring how that will affect anyone- not! He is not starting a married life based on debts and rooming in on other people’s property! Its bank account, rooms built and furnished, jeep, bought gold from his pocket, or the deal doesn’t even begin! And what of this girl? The women of our house have to make sure she’s a match. She’ll be part of the household- not apart from it. Just because his best friend has a sister doesn’t mean he will even like her when he marries her. Who ever heard of marrying your friend’s sister just so you can be better friends!?’

At the time, my husband was unaware that it was a growing trend there. Marrying for other reasons that had little to do with the union of two people wanting to be together and have a family had a new twist. The ‘work-round’ in their new definition of marriage was based more on ties between the men that had no ties to the women. The women would have to make or not the ties on their own. So it was becoming more common for two best friends to agree to one of them marrying the other’s sister. The son marrying his aunt’s daughter, since she was already part of the tribe, had always been the ‘best’ option. The father marrying off the daughter to pay a debt or plain get rid of her was the darkest and inhumane.

On further private conversations with the ‘intended groom’, my husband found out that the man didn’t really want to get married. His friend’s family didn’t want the daughter to sit in their home and were pushing to get her out before she made her eighteenth birthday (an old maid by their standards). It was as if he was agreeing to do his friend a favor. Some favor!

Later he would not even chance the arrangement, he would be transferred to the southern sea-side city of Muhkalla, another world for these mountain men. When he arrived it was to a different set of customs, and a less stringent society that afforded him a space to understand what family, marriage, rearing and living was in comparison to the vague, shadowy, and harsh world the mountains provided. About four years later he asked my husband to come home with me so we could help him decide if he was truly prepared for marriage. His condition was to not include his other older brothers. He wanted some semblance of peace during the process.

We did go to Muhkalla, and have to say it was better that time around. I was able to meet the girl’s family and find out how she was thought of and acted in her home. What her family expected of the groom. Their lives were not bound by the north’s customs, so the daughters had much more autonomy and they wanted to keep it that way. My brother-in-law, now much more freer from the Yemeni-group think of the north, liked the idea of having his own home with rules set by the wedded couple. He had always liked our own version of marriage better anyway. This was his chance for the same and he took it gladly.

They were married, yes with both families present in the festivities but without some of his family’s interference. They would later build a suite of rooms on our family compound to use for those occasional visits- but would never live there permanently. He was happy where he was. Like us, he enjoyed more the extended-stay ‘visitor status’ than the live in.

My father and mother in law would literally warm up to the idea of visiting them, like they had done for us: Coming to NY or going south every few years or so for a month or two stay. ‘I could get use to this’, I would hear my father in law say, ‘What better excuse for peace while better enjoying my sons and daughters this way’.

The eldest son, well he is still being a bully no one listens to. Times are changing, slowly yes, and that may mean that in the not so distant future all my younger in laws will follow suit. The rest of Yemeni society might not catch up in time, if ever. However, our family is seeing the benefits of changing, ‘mellowing’, and ‘allowing’ themselves to dream with more honey.

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May 2024

The Writing Trunk

Alpha Inventions Ranking